
This component displays the lower part of Modal in which there are one or two buttons and space for additional elements.

With one full width button
 1// Example with one full width button
 3@molecules.ModalFooter(false) {
 4  @molecules.ModalFooterButtons(false) {
 5    @atoms.Button(
 6      &atoms.ButtonBosons{
 7        Size:  "md",
 8        Title: "Accept action",
 9        Full:  true,
10      },
11    )
12  }
Full width buttons
 1// Example with two full width buttons
 3@molecules.ModalFooter(false) {
 4  @molecules.ModalFooterButtons(false) {
 5    @atoms.Button(
 6      &atoms.ButtonBosons{
 7        Title:   "Cancel",
 8        Outline: true,
 9        Full:    true,
10      },
11    )
12    @atoms.Button(
13      &atoms.ButtonBosons{
14        Size:  "md",
15        Title: "Accept action",
16        Full:  true,
17      },
18    )
19  }
Example with two full width buttons and additional area
 1// Example with two full width buttons and additional area
 3@molecules.ModalFooter(false) {
 4  @molecules.ModalFooterSlot(false) {
 5    slot
 6  }
 7  @molecules.ModalFooterButtons(false) {
 8    @atoms.Button(
 9      &atoms.ButtonBosons{
10        Title:   "Cancel",
11        Outline: true,
12        Full:    true,
13      },
14    )
15    @atoms.Button(
16      &atoms.ButtonBosons{
17        Size:  "md",
18        Title: "Accept action",
19        Full:  true,
20      },
21    )
22  }
Example with two full width buttons and additional area in vartical variant
 1// Example with two full width buttons and additional area in vertical variant
 3@molecules.ModalFooter(true) {
 4  @molecules.ModalFooterSlot(true) {
 5    slot
 6  }
 7  @molecules.ModalFooterButtons(true) {
 8    @atoms.Button(
 9      &atoms.ButtonBosons{
10        Title:   "Cancel",
11        Outline: true,
12        Full:    true,
13      },
14    )
15    @atoms.Button(
16      &atoms.ButtonBosons{
17        Size:  "md",
18        Title: "Accept action",
19        Full:  true,
20      },
21    )
22  }

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