
Dropdown is used to create blocks of content in which there may be, for example, links, menu, or information.


Id reference.
type: string
default: dropdown
The position of the dropdown.
type: string
default: bottom
Offset size.
type: string
default: 10


Basic example
Some content
Reference id
The dropdown activation button should always contain the 'data-x-ref' attribute. The default dropdown ID value is 'dropdown'.
 1// Basic example
 3@protons.Floating(&protons.FloatingBosons{Type: "dropdown"}) {
 4  @atoms.Button(
 5    &atoms.ButtonBosons{
 6      Size:  "md",
 7      Title: "Button",
 8      Attrs: gopress.Attrs{
 9        "data-x-bind": "{ 'data-x-on:click'() { open = ! open } }",
10        "data-x-ref":  "dropdown",
11      },
12    },
13  )
14  @atoms.Dropdown(
15    &atoms.DropdownBosons{}) {
16    <div class="p-1 mt-1 w-56 h-56 flex justify-center items-center dark:text-primary-100">
17      Some content
18    </div>
19  }
Example with options
Some content
 1// Example with id reference, placement and custom offset
 3@protons.Floating(&protons.FloatingBosons{Type: "dropdown"}) {
 4  @atoms.Button(
 5    &atoms.ButtonBosons{
 6      Size:  "md",
 7      Title: "Button",
 8      Attrs: gopress.Attrs{
 9        "data-x-bind": "{ 'data-x-on:click'() { open = ! open } }",
10        "data-x-ref":  "someitem",
11      },
12    },
13  )
14  @atoms.Dropdown(&atoms.DropdownBosons{
15    Id:        "someitem",
16    Placement: "right",
17    Offset:    "20",
18  }) {
19    <div class="p-1 mt-1 w-56 h-56 flex justify-center items-center dark:text-primary-100">
20      Some content
21    </div>
22  }

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