Build better UI for your Golang apps

Introducing Templ Atomic Design System, a revolutionary approach to crafting stunning UI components that you can copy and paste into your projects.

Created with:
 1// Default Modal example (with ModalHeader)
 3@atoms.Modal(&atoms.ModalBosons{}) {
 4  @molecules.ModalHeader("horizontal") {
 5    @molecules.ModalHeaderClose("Close")
 6    @molecules.ModalHeaderHero(false) {
 7      @protons.IconHero(
 8        &protons.IconHeroBosons{Size: "lg"},
 9      ) {
10        @icons.IconTimes()
11      }
12    }
13    @molecules.ModalHeaderContent("Activate account") {
14      Are you sure you want do something amazing? 
15    }
16  }

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